
cardId <String> Unique Tangem card 16 digits ID number.

batchId <String> Manufacturing batch ID.

cardPublicKey <Data> Public key that is used to authenticate the card against the manufacturer’s database. It is generated one time during card manufacturing.

firmwareVersion <Card.FirmwareVersion> Version of Tangem Card Operation System.

manufacturer <Card.Manufacturer> Information about manufacturer.

issuer <Card.Issuer> Information about issuer.

settings <Card.Settings> Card setting, that were set during the personalization process.

linkedTerminal <Card.LinkedTerminalStatus> This property shows if the card is linked to the current or another terminal.

isAccessCodeSet <Bool> Access code (aka PIN1) is set.

isPasscodeSet <Bool> [Optional] Passcode (aka PIN2) is set. Available only for cards with COS v.1.16 and higher.

supportedCurves Array of <EllipticCurve> Ellipctic curves, supported by this card. Only wallets with these curves can be created.

backupStatus <BackupStatus> Status of card's backup.

wallets Array of <Card.Wallet> Wallets created on the card that can be used to sign data.

attestation <Attestation> Card's attestation report.

Last updated