
securityDelay <Int> Delay in milliseconds before executing a command that affects any sensitive data or wallets on the card

maxWalletsCount <Int> Maximum number of wallets that can be created for this card.

isSettingAccessCodeAllowed <Bool> Is allowed to change access code.

isSettingPasscodeAllowed <Bool> Is allowed to change passcode.

isRemovingCodesAllowed <Bool> Is allowed to remove both codes.

isLinkedTerminalEnabled <Bool> Is LinkedTerminal feature enabled.

supportedEncryptionModes <[EncryptionMode]> All encryption modes supported by the card

isHDWalletsAllowed <Bool> Is allowed to use hd wallets. If this option is true it's allowed to pass derivation pass to Sign command.

isBackupAllowed <Bool> Is allowed to create backup.

Last updated