Set Access Code

Protects the whole card even from reading

If Access code is set on the card, all commands, including Scan Card, will require to sumbit this code. So if the Access code is lost, there is no way to recover the data or even retrieve the public key. Access codes may be enabled or disabled during card configuration at the factory. Also, it’s possible to prohibit removing the access code from the card once it’s set.

Access code can consist of letters, digits or special symbols and can be any length.

Access code can be set only if card.settings.isSettingAccessCodeAllowedistrue.


accessCode <String> [optional] Access code to set. If empty, user will be prompted to enter code before operation.

cardId <String> CID, Unique Tangem card ID number.

initialMessage <Message> [optional] This message will be shown in the NFC session dialog. Default: "Tap the card to your phone exactly as it shown above".


This command will return the SuccessResponse (click to see more) object in response.


let accessCode = "123456" //This parameter can be omitted. Tangem sdk will request the code from the user automatically
let cardId = card.cardId

tangemSdk.setAccessCode(accessCode, cardId: cardId) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success:
        print("The access code was set")
    case .failure(let error):

Last updated